HD stock footage of buildings from cities around the world. Search the Anistock footage library for royalty-free stock footage building videos. Get multiple formats all in HD inclusive of your 1 low price, so visit Anistock to get inspired by the new HD clips added daily. Free HD stock video weekly.
Anistock Royalty free buildings stock footage, video backgrounds, stock clips, and stock video for great for use in television, commercials, multimedia productions and interactive web design.
Low Price Gives You Multiple Formats:
Anistock is the only library where you pay once and receive your video in multiple formats for Free. HD is our standard format, select QuickTime, MP4, web, iPhone, Android formats etc. etc. all for 1 low price.
Our customers love Anistock for high quality creative media at microstock pricing. Every footage clip, video, background animation and image on Anistock is royalty-free, so you only pay once to use the file multiple times.
Free credits given for Articles:
If you are an accomplished blogger or writer, who enjoys stock footage, images and other forms of media then we would be happy to publish your articles on our blog and also give you free credits.
Needless to say the content must be engaging and relevant to our community. In addition, we will tag you as the copy-write holder including your name and your website. Contact us below.
What is Stock Footage or Stock Photography?
Every day you will view or be exposed to thousands of animations, special effects, images and footage in TV commercials, film, advertisements, magazines, posters and on the web. Due to fast moving media channels few or none of the visual imagery will be created specifically for that video, product, promotion or advertisement - what you're viewing is stock media (video, animations, images, loops) Stock media are ready-to-download media that are licensed royalty free for use in your advertising or video promotional materials. Anistock video stock footage, animations, loops, and motion graphic design elements are just the start - they are the creative components to get your creative project started.
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