Royalty free motion graphics on Anistock. The Anistock library of motion graphics video now number over three thousand, three hundred and growing. The motion graphics category includes video backgrounds,motion backgrounds and video loops. These three categories together with Anistock animation video content is what we label "motion graphics".
Anistock motion graphics video covers a wide range of topics from VFX, animations, business to business graphics. The difference between motion graphics and royalty free stock footage is where stock footage is usually filmed using real scenes, motion graphics tend to be video animation content.
An intreresting fact is that the term motion graphics video has been around since the inception of film and motion graphic video is used allot more in video productions, advertisements and film than footage. Now with the web becoming increasingly a video channel the use of motion graphics is going through a whole new phase especially in web video marketing. To view the whole motion graphics library of content then click on over to Anistock.